Curiosity (ROVER)

Curiosity is a car sized Mars Rover operated by NASA and it is a part of NASA's Mars science laboratory mission or MSL. Curiosity was launched from cape Canaveral on November 26,2011 and it is launched on Aeolis palus on Mars as it was designed. Curiosities goal is to investigate martion climate, and geology to study whether the landing site inside the gale was ever offered condition favorable for life, and to investigate water on Mars and planetery habitabilit

Mission type - Mars Rover
Operator - NASA
Manufacturer - JPL, Boeing, Lockheed Martin
Website -
Mass - 899kg
Launch date - November 26,2011
Landed date - August 6,2012
Landing site - Aeolis palus on crater Gale
Rocket - Atlas V S41 (AV-028)


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