What happens to rocket after placing satellites into orbit

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Source : pixabay

Most of the time, it burns up in the atmosphere as it reenters. For multiple stage rockets, usually the first stage crashes into the ocean, the second stage burns up in reentry, and if there are 3 or more stages, then stage 3 and so on would either become space junk in orbit around Earth, travelling across the universe indefinitely, or having a short orbit that would rapidly decay, soon causing destruction by reentry. (I am sorry if that sentence was long or run-on.) In the night sky, you, if you have good enough binoculars and a clear sky, you can see many expended stages of launch vehicles. They are ususally not easily visible with the naked eye (apparent magnitude of >6.0), but you can see them. Sometimes, these expended stages survive reentry and hit the ground or ocean in a fiery rage. Now, there is a new upstart successful space company that you may have heard of (SpaceX, anyone?) that has successfully recovered their first stages for quite a few missions and is planning to reuse them in the very near future. If they can pull this off, they reduce mission costs from an already low $60 million dollars (in the world of rocket launches) to a miniscule $40 million. Stay tuned for the news! I hope this answer was adequate enough and not too long. =D


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