Microscope is a tool used  to observe tiny particles, cells and unicellular organisms ( mostly used to observe the tings that are not able to see by our eyes eq: animal cell's, plant cells and etc). There are many tipes of microscopes on this post we will explain you one of the best and one of the baddest microscopes ever discovered on planet earth, the electron microscope and the compound microscope.


A compound microscope is a microscope with more then one lense to to observe the meterial. Mostly like the local telescope also they are using the same technique to magnify the universe for revealing it's secrets.


Electron microscope is one of the coolest things that mankind have discovered as it allows to zoom a meterials millions of times so we can deeply understand it.


A compound microscope magnifies an object only for 2000 times of its size using a light source. But on the other hand the electron microscope can magnify an object millions of times clearly utilizing electrons instead of reflected light from a light source.


The development of the cell biology is the result of the growth in the field of research of microscopes. 

Mile stones in history of cell biology

We are giving you the first four and one of the most popular milestones in the history of the cell biology.

Robert Hooke - he was the first person to watch a cell and name it ``Cell``.

Robert Brown - he was discovered the centre of the cell and named it the nucleus.

M J Scleiden - found that the body of a plant is made up of cells.

Theodore Schwann - found that the body of animals is made up of cells.

Rudolf Virchow - observed dividing cells and inferred that cell arise from only existing cells.


The cell theory was formulated by M J Scleiden and Theodor Schwann summarizing the finding of various scientists. It puts forword two main concepts -

1. The body of all organisms is made up of cells.
2. Cells are structured and functional units of organisms


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