Taiwan-Based UFO Hunter Makes Jaw-Dropping Revelation, Spots 'Alien Warrior Figure' in NASA's Image of Mars

The year 2020 had amazed us by not only by novel coronavirus but also 2020 had amazed us by the aliens on Mars are having a field day or so a self-proclaimed UFO expert, Scott C Waring suggested. Yes, you read that right! Making a shocking discovery of aliens on the 'hillside on Mars in the latest NASA rover photo', Waring made jaws drop with his latest revelation. Also Read - Taiwan-Based UFO Hunter Makes Jaw-Dropping Revelation, Spots 'Alien Warrior Figure' in NASA's Image of Mars.

On June 19, he shared in his blog ET Database, “I found this figure in a hillside on Mars in the latest NASA rover photo today. The figure could be male or female, because often on Earth the ancient warrior chest armour of warriors often has an enhanced chest area to make them look more muscular in battle and put fear into the enemy.” Also Read - UFO or Weather Balloon: Mysterious Balloon-Like White Object Spotted in Japan’s Sky, Twitter is Bewildered.


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