How to save birds from extinction

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Extinction is a natural part of Evolution. It may happen in many season, like because of human development and human needs("dodo" is a great example of it). We can help birds to overcome those hazards is a great way to promote bird conservation before more species vanish.

Why birds go extinct?
In some cases, the loss of a complete bird species may be inevitable because they are too sensitive to rapid changes that cannot be reversed in time to recover.

  • Habitat losses may be the big reason for Extinction of birds and animals, it happens due to natural disaster, also we are one of the great threats to them because of our development and hunting. Also by use the birds are at a great threat because of the exhaust gases from our vehicle and companies do are great climatic change. Natural and man-made Climatic change are also one of the problem they face.
  • Food loss are also a great threat to them. Because our development and completion from other predictor.
  • Lack of individual adaptability to changing circumstances, range changes, etc.
We are one of the most threat to them. We change it if we all are together to protect them. So let's be together and make the future a better one.

How can we reduce the Extinction of birds
There are a lots of ways you can reduce the Extinction of birds. Even a small one that you do can reduce the cause of extinction of birds.

  • Protect Diverse Bird Habitats: The more habitat there is available for wild birds, the better they will be able to survive. All types of wild habitat are useful, and simply creating a bird-friendly backyard can provide critical habitat for local species. Other ways to preserve habitats include visiting wildlife refuges, purchasing duck stamps, helping with beach or river cleanups and encouraging native landscaping in parks and other cultivated areas.
  • Learn about endangered species in your area: Teach your friends and family about the wonderful wildlife, birds, fish and plants that live near you. The first step to protecting endangered species is learning about how interesting and important they are. Our natural world provides us with many indispensable services including clean air and water, food and medicinal sources, commercial.
  • Plant Native plants: Native plants provide food and shelter for native wildlife. Attracting native insects like bees and butterflies can help pollinate your plants. The spread of non-native species has greatly impacted native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources and habitat.
  • Keep your distance: Birds need space for feeding, nesting, and other daily activities. Approaching too closely may cause them to become nervous and deplete much-needed energy reserves. During the nesting season, it may even result in loss of eggs or young to predators.
  • Buy Bird Friendly Products : you can help preserve bird habitat in Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean by buying shade-grown coffee and chocolate. Shade coffee farms, which imitate native forests, have many more bird species than sun coffee farms.
  • Avoid Chemicals:  Birds may accidentally eat pesticide and herbicide pellets or prey that have been poisoned. This can kill a bird or have toxic effects on their own health and that of their growing embryos, including deformation or suppressed immune systems.
  • Reduce Energy: Use Riding your bike or walking reduces your carbon footprint and prevents pollution of bird habitats. Switching off the lights in your house not only shrinks your energy bill, but can also help prevent birds from colliding with your windows.


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