How do substance dissolve ?

You may wonder how do tea get this taste when we ad some sugar and tea powder to it after boiling water. Today on this post iam showing you how they do. How do substance dissolve ?

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In process of dissolving, molecules of the solute are inserted into a solvent and surrounded by its molecules. In order for the process to take place, molecular bonds between molecules of solute will be broken and molecular bonds of the solvent also have to be disrupted. Both of these require energy.

For Example when sugar dissolves.

When sugar dissolves in water, new bonds between sugar and water are created. During this process energy is given off. The amount of this energy is sufficient to brake bonds between molecules of sugar and between molecules of water. This example is relevant to any solute and solvent. If the bonds between solvent or solute are to strong and there is not enough energy provided while dissolving to brake them, the solute will not dissolve.


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