How to change your personality?

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At least 70% of you will think is it really possible to change your personality or are our basic personality patterns fixed throughout life? For the once who really need to change the personality it is possible. The right approach and hard work can lead to real personality change.

Factors that shape personality

The first thing that you can do to change you personality is to understand what shapes the personality. I the following we will show you some of the factors that shapes your personality.

In the past, theorists and philosophers often took a one-versus-the-other approach and advocated either for the importance of nature or nurture, but today most thinkers would agree that it is a mixture of the two forces that ultimately shape our personalities.

Not only that to do with your personality, but the constant interaction between genetics and the environment can help shape how personality is expressed.

Genetics is certainly important, but other studies also demonstrate that our upbringing and even our culture interact with our genetic blueprints to shape who we are.

The harder you try more you'll change

One of the key factors that can change your personality is the more harder and the more you'll try the faster and better your personality will change.

The first step for changing the personality is to try more hard and try more.

So now let's hear what kinds of personality can actually change your personality

It is not a huge stock but a little one. There are a lot of activities that can change your personality on the following we are giving you some activities that are scientifically proven to change personality. So now let's start.

  • Reflect on a positive experience. Before you go to bed, reflect on a positive social experience you had during the day, and what you liked about it
  • Change your self-beliefs. If you believe you cannot change, then you will not change. If you are trying to become more outgoing, but you believe that your introversion is a fixed, permanent, and unchangeable trait, then you will simply never try to become more sociable. But if you believe that your personal attributes are changeable, you are more likely to make an effort to become more gregarious.
  • Be positive. While the internet will give you so many articles about positivity it is also a good way that you can change your personality.
  • Take some time. If you are religious, spend at least five minutes praying. If you are not religious, spend at least five minutes meditating.
  • Notice a positive thing in every negative thoughts. When you notice a negative thought, acknowledge the negative thought, but think three true positive thoughts about the same topic.

These actions can be simple. They can even be easy. But if you actually do things to change your personality you're likely to succeed. In some cases it may be little tough and some time these will don't work but in my experience I would be recommend you to do these and also try hard so the result will also be awesome like you.


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